Thursday, March 20, 2008

"alt.end" single (The Cure)

I really like everything I've heard by The Cure, but I've never actually purchased any of their music. Shame on me. I need to fix that. I guess I just have trouble knowing where to start with artists who already have such extensive catalogues.

I purchased the "alt.end" single while I was browsing discs at Borders. I had a coupon and didn't see much I really wanted to buy, and I remember hearing "alt.end" and enjoying it when it was a current a few years ago, so I figured I might as well grab it.

I really enjoy the a-side. I believe I remember a lot of Cure fans not being crazy about some of their more recent works, but I think this tune is quite good. I don't think I was as big a fan of "End of the World," but I haven't heard it since it was first out, so I might be remembering that incorrectly.

"Why Can't I Be Me?" is a cool, angsty tune. Definitely worth a listen. "Your God Is Fear" is a heavy track and also pretty cool.

I can't say I would put any of these three songs amongst by top Cure tunes even based on my limited knowledge of their catalogue, but they're still three solid tracks.

1. alt.end
2. Why Can't I Be Me?
3. Your God Is Fear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you post "Your God is Fear?" I can't find that song anywhere.