Monday, January 21, 2008

Song of the Day: "Here's Where the Story Ends"

ARTIST: The Sundays
TITLE: "Here's Where the Story Ends"
YEAR: 1990

I don't know why this popped into my head, but it did, and I found myself needing to listen to it. For some reason, this song put me in a bit of a nostalgic mood. It makes no sense, because I was a bit young to be seriously into music at the time it came out, and indeed I didn't hear it for the first time until many years after it was a hit. Still, there you have it.

Anyway, I adore this song. Harriet Wheeler's voice is beautiful, and this one just comes together wonderfully.

If you'd like to take a listen, you can do so here. If you'd like to own it on CD, it was released on their 1990 album Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

In the interest of being thorough, I'll mention that there was a version done by Tin Tin Out featuring Shelley Nelson that was a hit in the UK in 1998. Tin Tin Out are a popular dance music and mixing duo. The two are talented, but this version of the song is a bit tragic. Well, that may be overly harsh. It's decent enough for what it is, but it just does not compare to the gem that is the song as performed by The Sundays.

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