Monday, May 19, 2008

Song of the Day: "Please Help the Cause Against Loneliness"

ARTIST: Sandie Shaw
TITLE: "Please Help the Cause Against Loneliness"
YEAR: 1988

While Sandie Shaw didn't get much respect in the States, this British female of the 60s sang many a great song in her career that would last multiple decades. In 1988, she released the Morrissey-penned "Please Help the Cause Against Loneliness," and it's an awesome song in both of their canons. I think it's a true testament to her as a performer that she could take on a song by someone whose style is as unique and delicate as Morrissey's and end up with such a wonderful rendition. It's also evidence of the diverse material Shaw could do well when this is compared to, say, "(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me," a hit for her a couple decades earlier by the also great but stylistically very different from Morrissey songwriter, Burt Bacharach.

The song can be heard here. It is available for purchase on the Sandie Shaw box set Nothing Comes Easy, or the remastered version of her 1988 album Hello Angel, which also contains as a bonus track her take on The Smiths' "Hand in Glove."

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