Monday, November 24, 2008

San Francisco Days (Chris Isaak)

Chris Isaak is one of those artists whose greatest hits I checked out on a whim when I saw it sitting in a store, and where I ended up being surprised just how much I enjoyed it. Besides such familiar tunes as "Wicked Game," songs like "Let Me Down Easy" and "Somebody's Crying" really caught my ear. I also added his Christmas album to my collection in 2007 when Best Buy had it for a ridiculous sale price. Now, I've gotten my first Isaak studio album, 1993's San Francisco Days. While I don't really plan on buying up a lot of his catalogue, I wanted this particular album because it contains his version of "Solitary Man," which is quite a nice rendition. Another previously unknown highlight is the track "Beautiful Homes." Previously familiar singles on the album include "Two Hearts" and "Can't Do a Thing (To Stop Me)" in addition to the title track. It's a cool album, and it does a nice job of filling out the picture which started being painted by the hits collection.

1. San Francisco Days
2. Beautiful Homes
3. Round 'N' Round
4. Two Hearts
5. Can't Do a Thing (To Stop Me)
6. Except the New Girl
7. Waiting
8. Move Along
9. I Want Your Love
10. 5:15
11. Lonely With a Broken Heart
12. Solitary Man

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