Saturday, November 1, 2008

Songs of the Day

These are a few songs that popped into my head during my class Thursday. I don't know what it is about that class, but I always seem to end up with songs competing with the material.

ARTIST: A Foot in Coldwater
TITLE: "(Make Me Do) Anything You Want"
YEAR: 1972

A killer track from a Canadian band that seems to be largely forgotten. Shame. This isn't the full version of the track as it's edited down, but better than nothing, so take a listen here. It's available on Best of A Foot in Coldwater, among other AFiC CDs.

ARTIST: Joy Division
TITLE: "Shadowplay"
YEAR: 1979

It recently received a minor revival when The Killers remade it. They did a good job, but nothing can top Joy Division. Listen to the song here. It can be purchased on many Joy Division sets, the most complete of which is a box set entitled Heart and Soul.

TITLE: "Your Move"
YEAR: 1971

"Your Move" is one of my favourite Yes tracks. I don't know why. It's played all the time on classic rock radio, but it still hasn't burned on me, despite me not even being a huge Yes fan. I guess this song just has "it." Try Seeqpod for hearing it. The song is available on The Yes Album.

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