Sunday, August 17, 2008

Velveteen (Transvision Vamp)

Transvision Vamp's 1989 album Velveteen opens with the big hit "Baby I Don't Care." The song is a strong opener for what proves to be a strong, cohesive album. While you don't end with something incredibly similar to where you began, you're transitioned well the entire way through. This album is more than just a collection of songs, in my opinion; thought was put into the unit as a whole, and it works better than it otherwise would have for this reason. This is why one can go from a hooky rocker at the beginning to the title track's epic 9-minute drama at the end and never feel startled. This album is definitely worth a listen, and it comes recommended. Before this, my only real experience with Transvision Vamp was their awesome remake of "Tell That Girl to Shut Up," but I can now safely say that they're a band well worth knowing.

1. Baby I Don't Care
2. The Only One
3. Landslide of Love
4. Falling for a Goldmine
5. Down on You
6. Song to the Stars
7. Kiss Their Sons
8. Born to Be Sold
9. Pay the Ghosts
10. Bad Valentine
11. Velveteen

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